Monday, 8 March 2010

Evaluation: Question 1

Question 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop and challenge forms and conventions on real media products?

1. A main convention of psychological thrillers are the twist at the end. We chose to use this convention as it is what the audience expects. In our film the twist was the main character finding out it was himself trying to kill himself instead of his wife.

2. Another convention is the dim lighting in a thriller. I decided to develop this convention and use all types of lighting. I used daylight in the clips outside, natural light in the house as well as artificial light. This showed different moods within the film.

3. A POV (Point of View) shot is also typical of a thriller. We used this convention. It makes the shot more intimate to the audience.

4. We developed the narrative in the thriller by having the view from another person instead of from the point of view of another character.

5. There is no typical setting to a thriller so I used an urban setting.

6. To use the convention of a mise en scene I took the typical 'kitchen knife'. This is used as a suggestion that it is Grace that is killings Ryan.

7. I developed to convention of a question at the end of the film and instead used a statement 'Thou shalt not lie'. This not only shows the religious elements but clarifies to the audience what has happened.

8. I challenged the convention of camera work by doing a clip handheld. Usually camera work is straight cut, however on the shot where Grace is running from hospital I chased after her holding the camera myself.

9. Another convention of thrillers is focus pulling. I used this when Ryan finds poison in his sandwich.